If you haven’t watched or read the post about the 1st season of Beastars; a title awarded to beasts who prove their competence through fighting inequality in an anthropomorphic animal society. You should head on this post – Beastars; An Anthropomorphic Anime Which Subtly Discuss Societal Flaws. The post contains an in-depth review of the first season of Beastars.
The following season blooms with the character development and sets itself apart from the first season in several ways. Unlike the first season, which focuses on the romantic relationship between the two characters Legosi and Haru while sidetracking the view on societal disparity and the murder of the alpaca; Tem. The 2nd season explores the social relationship between the herbivores and carnivores vividly and bombards us with feeling, fallacies and actual display of disparity. Further, the season also concludes with the answer for, who killed Tem? The second season of Beastars is an overall gem with its further expanding plots and, twist and turns that takes place within the arena. The series also put an extensive effort to subtly highlight the fact that it was never about the herbivore or carnivores, rather the whole concept revolves around something(Spoiler) much simpler and factual.

The animation of Beastars 2nd Season is similar to its predecessor with hard thought and profoundly animated moments. However, the fight sequel in the first season was much more realistic due to the sound effects and use of lighting. In this one, the series compensate the same with more brawling moments and ordinary execution. Its not gainsaying that the animation quality was optimal though.
The sound animation of the series was complimentary and does a nice job to keep you engaged with the animation. The overall sound animation and the opening – ending was good.
As for Noteworthy characters in the series, You can refer to the previous post by clicking below:-
Our Ratings
Beastars Season 2
Beastars Season 2The Good
- Further Development in Story
- The constant shift of Focus from Legosi’s personal Life & The Case
- The Character Development
The Bad
- The Animation was fine & Simmilar to yester-season
Where Can I Watch Beastars 2nd Season?
Beastars 2nd Season is available for the watch on Netflix. Further, the second season hasn’t been dubbed in English yet. However, one can expect the dub to be out soon.
If you haven’t watched the first season as well, you can binge them both on Netflix.
Beastars 3rd Season Release Date?
There is no official announcement for the Release Date of Beastars 3rd Season as of now. However, considering no real cliffhanger except the Beastars title the prediction of a new season is quite difficult. All we can do is hope for the next season to be released soon.