Girls’ Last Tour aka. Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou revolves around Chito and Yuuri; the last survivor of a fate faced city. Chito and Yuuri amble scavenging the gloomy and deserted ruins of a once-thriving city, in search of food and parts.
The everlasting cold winter silence is pierced by the ephemeral rumbling of a Kettenkrad motorbike. Its riders, the two girls are on a journey to find the upper sanctum in hope of livelihood. The foundation of the series focuses on the expidetion through wastelands and speculation of the preapocalyptic world. Despite struggling with their looming solitude, Chito and Yuuri share the weight of being the last two humans in the world with each other. Girls’ Last Tour vacillate Between loquacious Yuuri and Chito’s calm composure, to get through the dark days with shooting practice, new books, camera, music, rains, food and snowball fights on the frozen battlefield.
Girls’ Last tour project the post-apocalyptic world caused by the misfortune of malevolent human, by visuals of barren landscapes and deserted buildings. It delves with an uplifting tale of two girls in pursuit of hope, despite a bleak and dying world.
Simplicity and equitable depiction of circumstances and scenario, as simple as collecting water, preparing food, unavailability of life forms, etcetera communicate vicariously and cogently in a laconic way. The series focuses precisely on current event and situation but do not familiar with the past of characters.
Notable Characters
Characters | Voice Artist |
Chito | Inori Minase |
Yuuri | Yurika Kubo |
Kanazawa | Akira Ishida |
Ishii | Kotono Mitsuishi |
Nuko | Kana Hanazawa |
Girls’ Last tour is animated by White Fox Studio. White Fox has shown their par animation in various series viz. Re:ZERO-Starting Life in Another World-, Steins; Gate and Goblin Slayer.
The setup of Girls’ last tour in a post-apocalyptic world by illustration of rubbles, wreckage and abandoned edifices at minimal flow with the idea of tackling the minimal issue for survival. The overall animation is quite decent. The isn’t any noteworthy animation moments. However, the sound animator did a fabulous job when it comes to music, especially in the episode ‘rain’. The overall sound works were better. They perfected sounds related to Kettenkrad motorbike and falling rumble.
Our Ratings For The Anime
Girls’ Last Tour
Girls’ Last TourThe Good
- Definitely like the cute and adorable character sketches
- Definitely liked the sound animation by the team.
- Definitely like the way it discusses the reasons behind the war-torn city.
The Bad
- Girls’Last Tour could have peeked into Chito and Yuuri former situation.
- It could have strengthened the elucidation concerning, how Chito and Yuuri end up here? to provide more depth.
- Animation leaves a room to be more spectacular.
Where to watch Girls’Last Tour?
Girls’ Last Tour anime is available for watch on Amazon Prime.
When will Girls’Last Tour Season 2 premiere?
There is no information on the Release date of Girls’Last Tour Season 2 till now. The possibility of return for this anime is 2021 or 2022.